Divi Responsive Tables

A frequently requested feature from the Divi community is the ability to create tables using the Divi Builder. Advanced WordPress users can create tables with HTML and CSS, but the process can be time-consuming to get the design and layout just right even for those who can code tables. Many users look for a table plugin in the WordPress repository or marketplace such as CodeCanyon. But these plugins can be all over the board in terms of the user interface.

Our latest plugin will bring the functionality needed to quickly build great-looking, mobile friendly tables using the Divi Builder interface.

The Divi Tables Module includes features for:

  • Responsive columns
  • Ability to link cells
  • Header sorting
  • Merge or span columns and rows
  • Searchable tables
  • Option to show specified number of rows in the form of a dropdown
  • Text formatting, including alignment, color, weight, hover options, and padding
  • Row backgrounds, including zebra stripes

A note Visual Builder Experience Note: Divi supports three options for third-party divi modules.

  1. Off – which means no visual builder support
  2. Partial – which means it will be fetched from php code
  3. On/Full – Which means they will handle it based on node code provided

We would like to use option 3. However, there is a bug in that prevents us from disabling wrapper classes that are inserted between tr and th tags. We can’t have any element between tr & th tags. We have logged an issue on ElegantTheme’s GitHub Project for extensions. Until that is resolved, we must use the partial method. If you edit using the visual builder, you will see a lag for copy and remove functions and you won’t see the elements appear in the previewer because we are using option 2.

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2020.2 [NEW] Pagination enabled
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2020.1 Initial Release ? ?